Stress-free online knowledge
evaluation tool
Knowledge of your people is your Superpower!
Evaluate their knowledge without stressing them!

Unlike other electronic tests, you don't have to book time to answer questions with SOKET.
Answering one question at a time will take as long as reading an e-mail.
Check the demo
Answering one question at a time will take as long as reading an e-mail.
Check the demo
Less Stress!
SOKET is the most comfortable knowledge evaluation tool because of the following:
Right dose of questions
SOKET divides the questions to a longer time period, sending only one question a day. Participants will not be overloaded with all questions they can with only one "bite of knowledge" a day. This enables the participant to acquire new knowledge more effectively.
Participants can choose, if they want to answer just once, answer multiple questions in a row or snooze for a while. This enables them to size their own personal daily dose of knowledge.
Personalized learning
SOKET has a personal approach to each participant. It chooses the questions for the participant, depending which field of knowledge needs more attention. This enables the participant to focus on the important topics and save time on the topics they already master.
Amount of questions depends on the participants' answers, which gives each participant the unique learning experience.
Instant feedback
Participants will get instant feedback about their answer, increasing their engagement. Besides the fact, if the answer was correct or not, user will get a short description about what was wrong or right with their answer and statistical overview about their progress based on topics covered in the evaluation, increasing their performance.
Each individual answer can have it's own unique feedback defined, so it can be unique and the best suitable response to the selected answer.
No need to book time
It is much easier for a participant to find 3 minutes a day for one question then to find time for a wearisome test. You can answer the question anywhere: even in an elevator or waiting for a bus!
Answering is done in a handy environment and no registration or logging in is required. Click here to see, how easy it is to answer a question!
Track their performance
SOKET dashboard enables the administrators to track the progress of the evaluations by question categories to evaluate their training needs. Statistics is available for questions, participants, answers and tags added to the questions.
The exhaustive statistics give a good overview about the participants knowledge gaps and additional training needs. Additionally SOKET provides a thorough executive analytical overview about the evaluation after it has ended.
To create the evaluations, you have to log in to SOKET. No login or registration is needed for participants.
Use cases
SOKET can be use to solve various challenges.
Some of the use cases are brought out here.
Töötaja motivatsiooni mõõtmine
Parim töötaja on pühendunud töötaja. Tööandjale on oluline teada, kuidas töötajad end tunnevad ning mõõta nende rahulolu ja pühendumust, et vajadusel reageerida või töökeskkonda parandada.
Oleme välja töötanud lihtsa ja toimiva metoodika, mille abil pidevalt ettevõtte töötajaid kraadides on võimalik töötajate pühendumuse osas ülevaadet saada. Kuidas see töötab ning kuidas SOKET selle juures abiks saab olla, saad lugeda siit.
Oleme välja töötanud lihtsa ja toimiva metoodika, mille abil pidevalt ettevõtte töötajaid kraadides on võimalik töötajate pühendumuse osas ülevaadet saada. Kuidas see töötab ning kuidas SOKET selle juures abiks saab olla, saad lugeda siit.
Igikestev eetika koolitus
Meie ettevõtte jaoks on oluline usaldusväärsus ning seetõttu peame üheks oma oluliseks väärtuseks eetilist ja väärikat käitumist. Selleks, et tagada parimat klienditeenindust ning eetilist käitumist igal hetkel, on tarvis töötajaid regulaarselt nende teemadega kursis hoida.
Seda, kuidas eetika muutus tänu SOKET-ile ja "teadmiste ampsudele" töötajate jaoks elu igapäevaseks osaks, saad lugeda siit.
Seda, kuidas eetika muutus tänu SOKET-ile ja "teadmiste ampsudele" töötajate jaoks elu igapäevaseks osaks, saad lugeda siit.
Iga-aastane küberturvalisuse kuu
Igal aastal toimub oktoobris Euroopa Küberturvalisuse kuu, mille käigus tutvustatakse Euroopa kodanikele küberturvalisusega kaasnevaid ohte ja tõstetakse teadlikkust nn küberhügieeni osas. Paljud ettevõtted kasutavad seda muuhulgas ka oma majas töötajate küberturbe teadlikkuse tõstmiseks ja info levitamiseks.
Sellest, kuidas SOKET-i abil küberhügieeni taset ettevõttes tõsteti loe lähemalt siit.
Sellest, kuidas SOKET-i abil küberhügieeni taset ettevõttes tõsteti loe lähemalt siit.
Sisekordade valutu tutvustamine
Avalikus sektoris on palju sisekordasid, määruseid ja seaduseid, mille alusel tööd tuleb korraldada ja millega töötajad kursis peavad olema. Üks olulisemaid ja viimasel ajal ka meedias kajastust saanud valdkond on dokumendihaldus ja avaliku teabe seadus. Ametnikud, kes kirja teel teiste osapooltega suhtlevad, peavad selle ja teiste seotud teemadega avalikus sektoris töötades hästi kursis olema.
Kuidas SOKET seda valu vähendab, saab lugeda siit.
Kuidas SOKET seda valu vähendab, saab lugeda siit.
One time price depends on the amount of questions you want to send and the participation amount.
Additionally we can help to manage the questions and help with analysing the result statistics afterwards.
Additionally we can help to manage the questions and help with analysing the result statistics afterwards.
Participants | |
Questions |
250 €
Calculated price is an approximation
With monthly subscription the fee is calculated based on the unique participants, who will get the questions.
There is no limit on the participant groups nor questions being sent to them: price depends on only the participant amount!
There is no limit on the participant groups nor questions being sent to them: price depends on only the participant amount!
Participants | |
250 €
Calculated price is an approximation
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